Thursday, March 04, 2010
It REALLY is Complicated

Recently saw the movie, It's Complicated, with the incomparable Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin. I loved it!! The plot was totally believable and the comedic timing of Meryl and Alec was hilarious. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.

The movie made me think about all the obstacles we put characters through. Sometimes things sound implausible, but with careful writing, you can make implausible actions sound completely believable. Navigating relationships is like wandering through a maze. One turn and you hit a wall. Reverse direction and it happens again. But sooner or later, you muddle your way through.

Writing is like that too, at least for me. I can be in the middle of a conversation or cleaning my house, or even driving, and I'll have a solution to a scene that's been bugging me. Friends are used to my outbursts of "that's it!"

Yep, life is complicated, but sometimes, so is writing. But the happy moments totally make it worthwhile.
posted by Liz @ 8:32 AM   0 comments
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