Sunday, March 25, 2007
5 Things about Getting Older
Recently, The Miami Herald carried an article entitled 5 Things You Didn't Know About Getting Older.
  1. Mounting Health Risk. Alzheimer's disease now surpasses diabetes, influenza and pneumonia as a cause of death for people age 65 and older.
  2. Average life span is now 77.6 years.
  3. Eat less to Life Longer.
  4. It's expensive. In the past decade, average prescription costs have tripled from $542 in 1992 to $1,750 in 2002.
  5. How long will you live? Get an idea from the Life Expectancy Calendar.
This is all well and good information to know (perhaps all but the life expectancy). Do you really want to know how many days you have left? What if there's a computer glitch and you actually have longer to live than you think. When informed of the glitch while standing in front of the judge because of a crime of passion you committed after learning of your impending demise, will you demand a do-over?

Hmm, I think I'll keep on my current schedule and be surprised when I discover time up because as we all know...worry ages. LOL

posted by Liz @ 7:31 PM   3 comments
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Ready for Spring

Guess what I'm seeing around the city? Yes, that's right. Dogwoods are in bloom! They're very noticeable now that the days are warm and sunny.

Spring is just around the corner, peeking to see if we're ready. I certainly am and I don't even mind that it wasn't too long ago that I packed up the summer clothes to bring down the winter clothes.

posted by Liz @ 9:10 AM   4 comments
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