Tuesday, January 16, 2007
5 Useful Ways to Benefit your Life
So we're about two weeks into the new year. Resolutions abound, but if you're like me, normally mine have hit the wayside by March or so. So instead of the normal weight loss decree, I'm going to try some different ones. Here are a few:
  1. Resolve to learn a new skill (either utilize online courses or evening classes at a local college. Can be something to further you in your occupation or something that you've always wanted to learn).
  2. Resolve to have more fun (be a kid at heart).
  3. Resolve to help others.
  4. Resolve to expand your friendship circle (reach out to people you haven't spoken with lately).
  5. Resolve to update your resume (always have a current resume handy. You may have only a few hours to react an opportunity).

Fee free to suggest any that you plan to implement!

posted by Liz @ 8:30 AM   3 comments
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