Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Searching for Inspiration

It's cold and dreary where I am today. Just the type of weather to make you think of grabbing a cup of tea, a warm throw and curling up with a good book (the one I'm reading by Brenda Jackson is excellent). Or, fantasize that you're at the beach, the sun warming your skin as you surrender every care and worry in favor of pondering crucial world matters, like who has the job of setting the next trend in swimming trunks? Or, how does one get a job at The Warnerco Group, the company that makes Speedo? Wait. Here's a better question, who's in charge of hiring the models?

But since I'm sitting at the computer (and apparently, you are too), what better way to seek inspiration on a dismal day than to discover your fantasy Caribbean island.
posted by Liz @ 12:15 PM  
  • At November 09, 2006 11:11 AM, Blogger Grace Tyler said…

    Liz, I love your beach picture at the top of your blog! And the map of the Caribbean. Sigh. It got really cold here today, and I'm wishing for someplace to escape.

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