Thursday, February 08, 2007
Superbowl Commercials
Did anyone watch the Superbowl? What am I asking. Of course you watched. I don't have a favorite team. I just enjoy a good game and it was good. I've learned to limit the amount of sports I watch though. I get too involved and it's way too easy to become a loudmouth, ranting fool.

My sister was in one of the commercials so if you were watching them (and not taking a bathroom break), you saw her! And this time, her entire body - not just her hands - was on TV. Yes sir, that girl is going places. Glad I can say I knew her when. Maybe I'll sell her most embarrassing photos to the National Enquirer. Oops. She reads my blog, so I'd better watch what I say.

And Prince! In the rain! Oh the sheer pleasure. He brought back some memories, didn't he? I had to blast a few songs the next day just to honor him.
posted by Liz @ 7:36 AM  
  • At February 14, 2007 4:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Awesome! Which commercial was your sister on? I didn't really catch them but it's nice to know that she was in on of those popular commericals.

    I'm not into football but I do like to watch the Superbowl entertainment. I LOVED Prince. He did real good, as did his dancers in the rain (with heels)!


  • At February 14, 2007 8:16 AM, Blogger Liz Falkner said…

    Hey Paz! She was in the commercial sponsored by Lay's. It focused on the fact that both coaches are AA. The funny thing is that on the day of the audition she was not having a good day and had almost decided not to go. I pushed her to go and look what happened! LOL. Yeah, she owes me...

  • At February 27, 2007 8:03 AM, Blogger Pamela Tyner said…

    I only watched about the first 15 minutes of the Superbowl, so I missed the commercial :( I wish I'd known about it!

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