Thursday, April 12, 2007
Besame Mucho
Just a quick post because I'm buried. If I didn't get so much junk mail, clutter would be nonexistent for me.

Okay, don't slam me ya'll. But seriously, did anyone else really like Sanjaya's rendition of Besame Mucho? I love that song! It was the perfect vehicle for his voice. Maybe all this time he's been choosing the wrong songs and this time he finally got it right. LOL.
posted by Liz @ 2:42 PM  
  • At April 18, 2007 10:19 PM, Blogger thewriterslife said…

    Well, I'm depressed. Sanjaya got kicked off tonight. I really liked the guy, too.

  • At April 21, 2007 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey there!

    Well... I thought that Sanjaya did a very good job of singing Besame. He remembered the words and pronounced them properly. However, something was missing for me. I'm a big fan of that song and after hearing greats like Andrea Bochelli and Luis Miguel (I like his rendition best)sing it, there's no comparision. I think what was missing in Sanjaya's rendition was passion with the song and that's probably because he didn't understand the words (and also he's young. Has he experienced love before?). Anyway he did good. I wish him all the best in his future endeavors....

    Nice to see a post from you, Liz. I should follow your good example. ;-) Actually, I'm in the middle of renovating (is that the word?) my blog and web site. Go check it out when you get a chance and let me know what you think!


  • At April 24, 2007 8:46 AM, Blogger Carol Burnside aka Annie Rayburn said…

    Mmm, sorry. I'm not a Sanjaya fan and am glad to see him go. He did a decent job on Besame Mucho, but I agree with 'paz' that it was missing passion.

    Poor kid got caught up in all that Vote For The Worst crap and it's too bad all around. People got booted that should have stayed on longer just because a group of people don't like the show. How juvenile.

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